After 20+ years of struggling with my weight, yo-yo dieting, feeling ashamed, embarrassed and depressed I’m finally getting my life back!
For 7 months I’ve been using the Liquid Gold system
I made 3 commitments to change in my life
I drink way more way (about a gallon per day)
No sugary drinks
I walk.
And I don’t diet!
I’m down over 66lbs
3 months ago I also started using the full gut health collection too. When your gut works better everything works better
I play with my kids now. I actually enjoying shopping and buying new clothes (my new camo shirt size SMALL ), I have so much more energy, my body moves so much easier and I don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed about my appearance.
- Jody

Almost at my 5 month mark. These products are amazing! If you are on the fence about starting, jump! You'll thank yourself. I was depressed, tired all the time and never wanted to go anywhere because picking out an outfit was one of the most stressful things to me. It was written all over my face how unhappy I was. My life has been turned back around, I am back on course and couldn't be happier. They say the best results usually happen between months 4 to 6 and I wholeheartedly believe that. I would also just like to put it out there that I have not done one single sit up or any excerise and still, some way, I'm getting abs I am in love with the Liquid Gold system!
If I can do it, anybody can!!!!!! It is not magic and it does take some work and dedication. It does not happen overnight and may take longer than 30 days to see results, but I will personally promise you that it will work if you stick to it.
Pledges I am doing:
Avoiding sugary drinks
Avoiding white rice, flour and bread
Drinking at least a gallon of water a day
Avoiding fried foods
I do not do 7500 steps a day. I probably only get around 5000 a day.
Following the Mediterranean lifestyle and it's delicious!
I have lost 27 lb and over 25 in.

Review 3:
I’ve officially reached my goal weight of 135lbs. It was a healthy, achievable goal for me personally.
fat loss
skin is glowing and tightening (thanks collagen )
muscles are toning & showing
I FEEL amazing and energized (most days, momlife ♀️)
I’m the same size I was in HS, 9 years ago
I feel confident in a swim suit (huge deal for me)
I dropped 2 jean sizes
The way I feel compared to 90 days ago is literally priceless. I have so much more confidence in my own skin. My husband refers to me as “Hot Momma”, yes please ♀️
This system has changed my life in 90 short days, and to think I said no at first ♀️♀️
How would you feel and look if you dedicated 90 days to your health and wellness? You’ll never know unless you try ♀️
First month: Liquid Gold only
2nd & 3rd: Liquid Gold system
I did nurse for the first month n half. I received approval from my doctor. Always ask.
In January I added exercise 2-3 times a week for 30 mins or so.
- Erica

Review 4:
Almost at my 5 month mark. These products are amazing! If you are on the fence about starting, jump! You'll thank yourself. I was depressed, tired all the time and never wanted to go anywhere because picking out an outfit was one of the most stressful things to me. It was written all over my face how unhappy I was. My life has been turned back around, I am back on course and couldn't be happier. They say the best results usually happen between months 4 to 6 and I wholeheartedly believe that. I would also just like to put it out there that I have not done one single sit up or any excerise and still, some way, I'm getting abs I am in love with the Liquid Gold system!
If I can do it, anybody can!!!!!! It is not magic and it does take some work and dedication. It does not happen overnight and may take longer than 30 days to see results, but I will personally promise you that it will work if you stick to it.
Pledges I am doing:
Avoiding sugary drinks
Avoiding white rice, flour and bread
Drinking at least a gallon of water a day
Avoiding fried foods
I do not do 7500 steps a day. I probably only get around 5000 a day.
Following the Mediterranean lifestyle and it's delicious!
I have lost 27 lb and over 25 in.
- Katie